Ludolinguistics and Glottodidactics
Words, images and effective strategies to express and understand languages
Why is it important to deal with glottodidactics? The reason lies in the dimension of a discipline concerned with studying and improving language teaching methodologies – is closely linked to linguistics – with the aim of facilitating language learning. In this field, words, images and didactic approaches work together to make learning more effective and stimulating. Words are essential for expressing and conveying meanings, while images facilitate memorisation by clarifying complex ideas. Teaching strategies, such as the practical approach and communicative method, are designed to recreate situations of real language use, going beyond the mere memorisation of grammar rules. Furthermore, the use of gestures, visual symbols and associations encourages more intuitive and natural learning. Modern digital technologies provide further support, offering tools that allow learners to experience language in a realistic way, promoting immersive acquisition. Today, digital platforms offer interactive paths that encourage active student participation, increasing their involvement and helping them express themselves in everyday situations. The integration of educational games, video and audio contents facilitates intercultural understanding, allowing students to explore different linguistic realities and develop broader communicative competence.
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